Universal IT Solutions Sdn Bhd
Born and bred in Malaysia, our brand began with our first company, Universal IT Solutions Sdn. Bhd. At this time, our core focus was on designing and developing client-centred bespoke eLearning content. With a passion for providing innovative eLearning solutions tailored to our clients, we worked with several corporations- the earliest of which includes financial institutions.

Building upon the bedrock of design and development of eLearning content, we began to experiment with solutions to enhance the productivity and quality of our services- we decided to share our findings with clients who wanted to create their eLearning content. We began to train our clients’ in-house talent to author their eLearning content. This resulted in the launch of the “eLearningMinds” (eLM) brand. Since then, eLM has become a bridge between our beautiful partners to provide services and products such as authoring tools, learning platforms and off-the-shelf content to our clients.

eLearningMinds Group Sdn Bhd
With a growing customer base and plans of expansion into the region, eLearningMinds Group Sdn. Bhd. was formed. A year later, eLearningMinds Beijing Education Technology Pte. Ltd. was established in Beijing, China. Our company expanded into the consulting business with partners in the region while still innovating in the development space. Our search for a more efficient way of creating eLearning content led us to discover Virtual Studio Solutions (VSS). We introduced it to our clients, who were delighted with the efficient, effective and economic improvements it yielded.

eLearningMinds Academy
Harnessing our industry experience, we launched our training arm in 2018 and deployed it with our partners in the region. Our passion and commitment to inspire and nurture more eLearning talents locally and regionally in the field of eLearning pushes us to continuously innovate our products and services to meet the ever-changing needs in training, learning, design and development.