The delivery of digital learning through platforms is not confined to learning management systems (LMS) anymore. Other platforms are available to support more excellent and more comprehensive learning delivery.
In this era of rich media, videos are in trend for eLearning, as videos are widely used as the primary learning content delivery. This obliquely challenged the conventional learning delivery platform, LMS. Because of this issue, additional video server solutions have been developed to address the hosting and delivery of those videos. Data analytics are getting more attention as the need to analyse utilisations and user behaviours.
The learners’ participation and engagement as they strive to achieve their desired learning outcome concern the learning provider these days. Game elements are introduced to be infused in eLearning courses to motivate students to get through this situation. Thus, Gamification platforms are also required to support this change in digital learning.

The delivery of digital learning through platforms are not confined to learning management system (LMS) anymore. Other platforms are available to support greater and more comprehensive learning delivery.
In this era of rich media, videos are in trend for eLearning, as videos are widely used as the main learning content delivery. This obliquely challenged the conventional learning delivery platform, LMS. Because of this issue, additional video server solutions have been developed to address the hosting and delivery of those videos. Data analytics are getting more attention as the needs to analyse utilisations and user behaviours.
What concerns the learning provider these days is the learners’ participation and engagement as they strive to achieve their desired learning outcome. To get through this situation, game elements are introduced to be infused in eLearning courses to motivate students. Thus, Gamification platforms are also required to support this change in digital learning.